Google is literally punishing sites for bad SEO habits. Not just black hat tactics, but all non-ethical spammy techniques. (The grey area stuff). On April 24th of this year Google unleashed the Penguins. Here’s a link to Google’s official announcement.
Any serious Google update gets a name. There was Google Caffeine, when Google started to account for page load times in their algorithm. Then there was Google Panda, when Google changed everything. Now there is Google Penguin, the SEO crackdown. What does this mean for you? If you have used good SEO habits, nothing unethical or borderline unethical then you have nothing to worry about. However, you may accidentally be doing something that Google will punish you for. Maybe you are already noticing that your traffic has dropped dramatically.
What SEO tactics are being punished?
Keyword Stuffing:
Websites that stuff their articles and blogs with keywords that either don’t make sense or are overused, are being punished. They do this to get more search traffic. That is changing very fast.
Unnatural Links:
Apparently Google is gunning after paid links. They use links in their algorithms to determine content value. To increase link SEO some people pay for links in other sites. However, Google is cracking down on any paid links, link spam, comment spam and or unnatural links within content.
So if you don’t do either of the above, you are probably going to be okay. However, if you have noticed a big drop in your traffic in the last 4 weeks, it is likely that Google Penguined you. You will want to remove keyword stuffing and unnatural links pointing to your site.