Git Linux Tutorials

Pulling a git repo from github to your Ubuntu server

A quick tutorial showing you how to install and setup git on an Ubuntu server and pull a repo from Github.

Linux Tutorials

Easy way to give user permission to edit and add files in /var/www

Tutorial showing you how to give an Ubuntu user the right to edit and add files in the /var/www folders.

Linux Tutorials

How to become root using sudo in Ubuntu

Simple trick in Ubuntu to become root if your user has the sudo group assigned to it (this way you won’t need to type sudo in front of every command)

sudo -i
Linux Tutorials

How to list all of a users groups in Ubuntu

If you need to see all of the groups assigned to a user simply type the following into the Terminal:

groups username

To display all the groups on your Ubuntu system just type:



Linux Tutorials

How to find the owner and group of a directory in Ubuntu

There are two ways to find the owner and group of a directory in Ubuntu:

First way:

ls -l /path/to/file

The 3rd field outputted is the user and and the fourth is the group

drwxr-xr-x 2 user group 4096 Feb  7 01:17 foldername

Second way:

stat -c "%U %G" /path/to/file

This will return

user group