This is a quick tutorial that will walk you through turning display errors on in your php.ini file.
What green means: any lines that you need to replace in this tutorial will be in green.
1. Enable the php.ini file:
If you php.ini file is not enabled. The first thing you will want to do is enable it.
Here is a quick guide to setup and enable your php.ini file on a Mac with OSX
2. Update the error setting
1. Using Terminal open the php.ini file using the nano editor
sudo nano /etc/php.ini
2. Find the line display_errors = and change Off to On
press (ctrl and w) to open the search in nano. Enter display_error = and press enter
Update display_error = Off to display_error = On
3. Save and exit. Press (ctrl and x) to save and close the file.
3. Restart apache
1. Using Terminal type the following to restart apache
sudo apachectl restart
2. Enter your user password
And you are done. Your php.ini settings are now set to show errors.