Linux Tutorials

How to find the owner and group of a directory in Ubuntu

There are two ways to find the owner and group of a directory in Ubuntu:

First way:

ls -l /path/to/file

The 3rd field outputted is the user and and the fourth is the group

drwxr-xr-x 2 user group 4096 Feb  7 01:17 foldername

Second way:

stat -c "%U %G" /path/to/file

This will return

user group
Apache MAMP PHP Tutorials

How to install Apache and PHP on a Mac (MAMP Part 1)

This tutorial will show you how to set up an Apache server to run PHP on a mac OSX 10.8+ with Mountain Lion or later operating system. Tested on OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite 10.10+, macOS El Capitan, macOS Catalina

Last updated Aug 7, 2020

Updated for macOS Catalina

On Leadership

A challenge! I accept

Barney Stinson Challenge Accepted

I was browsing through books on business and leadership at Chapters and was alarmed at the number of authors who weren’t in business themselves. They were journalists for news agencies like the Wall Street Journal or professors at highly esteemed academic institutions. Wanting to get better at business myself I was looking to read about other entrepreneurs that had experienced similar hurdles to the ones I was facing. I wanted to know the hard learned strategies these entrepreneurs used, not a chapter about the value of discipline and what I ought to do to become a better leader.

On Business

Most new startups fail because of this

Build it they will comeYou’ve heard the expression, “If you build it they will come”? It’s a myth and it’s a dangerous one at that. Too many startups and blogs are created believing (or hoping) it to be true. And some would say it is the reason most new startups fail.


You were made to be awesome – pep talk

On Business On Leadership

As the captain of your startup are you keeping your ship pointed in the right direction?

Ship wheel steer your startup

It’s funny how things tend to take a shape over time. Like this blog, I can see that it is becoming a kind-of anecdotal story of where we are going with our business and some of the lessons I have learned. That’s not what I had intended with it, but at the same time I don’t mind the direction it is going. I find that the direction of a company tends to take a shape overtime too. But you need to be careful, because if you aren’t the one defining the shape as the company grows, it may take a shape very different from what you would like it to take.

On Business On Leadership

Steve Jobs Quotes

Steve Jobs quotes

A hero of mine is Steve Jobs. He built two amazing companies, Apple and Pixar, and brought them both back from the brink of destruction. Sure he had lots of flaws. But also lots of wisdom. Here are some of his quotes I’ve collected over the years. (feel free to add anymore to the comments)

Linux Tutorials

Ubuntu Rackspace, how to set up a server qualified domain name?

Easy tutorial to Fix the error: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name after installing Ubuntu 12.04 on your host.

Linux Tutorials

Setup a folder so that new files created in it inherit default permissions and group

A quick tutorial showing you how to ensure that new files created in your file structure will inherit the existing user and groups (no matter which user creates the new files). This tutorial is for Debian/Ubuntu and Mac:

On Business

B2B vs B2C – are you talking your customers language?

customer wantsEvery tech startup I know is trying to design their website to look and feel like Apple. Okay, okay, not every startup, I’m exaggerating to make a point. But Apple’s super successful, right? Every product they make people are buying, why not do exactly what they are doing? Here’s the problem, not every startup is communicating to the same audience as Apple.